Sarah Lambert | RTC
Counsellors in Victoria, BC - Therapists you can relate to.
Registered Therapeutic Counsellor, ACCT
Diploma of Professional Counselling, VCCT
Somatic Parts Work Practitioner, Embody Lab
ADHD Certified Clinical Services Provider, PESI
Certificate for Intimacy in Relationships, VCCT
Certified CBT Provider, Udemy
Bachelor of Kinesiology, UBC
Who I Work With
Client A is the girl in their early twenties who does everything for everyone else and can’t understand why it feels like people just take advantage of her. Maybe she continues to find herself in situationships, or maybe her friends aren’t loyal to her despite the fact that she consistently shows up for them. She’s tired of feeling like people don’t respect or appreciate her, and she wants to start cultivating more reciprocal relationships. She wants to receive the love that she so easily gives to others.
Client B is the high-achiever in her late twenties, maybe she was a varsity athlete, maybe she’s in medical school, or maybe she’s navigating the early stages of her professional career, and she has anxiety about living up to expectations. Deep down she worries about everyone figuring out that she’s a fraud, and that she doesn’t actually know what she’s doing, or deserve to be here. She wants to stop questioning herself, and feel confident and fulfilled.
Client C is the busy woman in her early thirties, trying to balance doing it ALL. She’s figured a few things out, like her career & relationships, maybe she’s a mom, maybe she’s an entrepreneur, or maybe she’s both, but she still feels like she’s spinning out trying to check off all the things on her to-do list, and somehow find time for self care. She’s tired of trying to pour from an empty cup, and desires to be more boundaries and balanced in the demands of her daily life, but still has a hard time figuring out how to say no.